About Us

Sportytrader.co.uk is produced by South Afrika Media, capital €16,912, located at 16 Goodison Park, Weltevreden Valley North, Cape Town, 7785, Sudafrica.

The executive director is Tony Brasco.

Provider: OVH domiciled at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix

You can contact us through our contact page.


The first European group to devote its work to the development of sports outcome prediction tools, since 2005 Simulated-reality-league’s mission has been to help each player make the best predictions, allowing each bettor to choose the sports betting site best suited to his or her needs.

We develop and provide new tools to try to guess sports results. Our research and analysis is aimed at the media, specialized sports company sites, and the general public.

Our prediction models are based on the temporal analysis and statistics of sporting events and make it possible to anticipate as accurately as possible the probability for which a sporting outcome may occur. In this regard, more than 500,000 outcomes are analyzed.

Our expertise is available to the public through the website simulated-reality-league.com, which brings together all the information needed to make the best sports predictions. Available in 7 languages, simulated-reality-league.com stands for 70,000 free professional predictions per year and a community of more than 200,000 members!

Our expertise is especially developed around the following areas:

Sports forecasts and predictions
Analysis of online gambling operators
Historical analysis of sports results and sports statistics
Real-time sports information
Online gaming industry
Online gaming
Sports betting
Blogger or journalist? Our team is at your disposal to answer any questions, interview requests or reports. Please feel free to contact us.