Contact Us

How to contact us? Do you have any questions concerning our site? Would you like to write to us to make a business proposal or simply to give us advice? Then this contact form will be for you.

After filling it out carefully with your contact details, just write a message in the box provided, not forgetting to write the subject of your message. The opinion of our users is of great interest to us, so we will always try to respond as quickly as possible.

In case of need, you can also contact us by mail, at the address “16 Goodison Park, Weltevreden Valley North, Cape Town, 7785 “. Any correspondence will be welcome.

If, on the other hand, you wish to contact us because you would like to send a CV for a job or internship offer, consult our section dedicated to recruitment offers now. You will immediately find out what kind of profile we are looking for right now.

Looking forward to reading you, thank you!