terms and conditions

General terms and conditions of use
Last updated: June 15, 2020

These general conditions define the conditions under which a user uses the smartphone applications and the SportyTrader.co.uk website.

The site is published by South Afrika Media, with a share capital of 16,912€, whose registered office is  16 Goodison Park, Weltevreden Valley North, Cape Town, 7785, Sudafrica, registered with the Register of Commerce and Companies (RCS) of Cape Town, with Editorial Director Tony Brasco, and as web provider OVH with domicile at 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, (tel 1007).

Customer service can be contacted by email at [email protected] for any advice or complaint.

Please read these general conditions of use carefully. Use of the service by the consumer implies acceptance of these general conditions of use. You also agree to use our services in full compliance with the laws of your home country.

1 – Description of Services.
In the terms and conditions defined below, “service” means all sportytrader websites and all its extensions (hereinafter “simulated-reality-league” or “we”).

simulated-reality-league.com is an Internet site that makes available to the public free websites and applications for smartphones, specifically on ITUNES, GOOGLE PLAY and WINDOWS PHONE, available worldwide.

Specifically, the service allows users to follow live sports results, consult a sports ranking, and any other sports-related information service. It includes a whole range of features typical in this type of service. Simulated-reality-league.com reserves the right to change these features at any time or to remove them should it deem it appropriate.

Sites published by simulated-reality-league may contain links to external content on Internet sites operated by third parties beyond our control.

Simulated-reality-league assumes no responsibility of any kind with respect to the content, information, products and services offered by the sites accessed through the links contained in our site, nor is it liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of such sites.

2 – Reporting illicit external content
You may, at any time, report an illicit external content hyperlink to us by writing to: [email protected]. If we deem it appropriate, we will delete the link as soon as possible.

Simulated-reality-league can delete the hyperlink on its service but cannot under any circumstances withdraw the external content. As a general rule, it is best to contact the publisher or web host of the content under dispute.

So that we can act effectively, please indicate, where possible, in your email:

the date of the notification;
if the notifier is a natural person: first name, last name, profession, domicile, nationality, date and place of birth; if the applicant is a legal person: form, name, registered office and the body legally representing it;
the name and domicile of the recipient or, if it is a legal person, its name and registered office;
the hyperlink that is the subject of the full dispute disseminated by Simulated-reality-league;
the reasons why the hyperlink should be removed, including mention of the legal provisions and factual justifications;
a copy of the correspondence addressed to the author or publisher of the disputed information or activity related to the hyperlink, including a request to discontinue, withdraw, or change the information or activity, or a justification that the author or publisher cannot be contacted.

3 – Duration of Service.
The service is provided without a duration limit.

Due to the fact that the service is free of charge, the user has no right of termination intended to obtain a refund, but may terminate the service at any time. Likewise, Simulated-reality-league does not guarantee the duration of the service and reserves the right to suspend or terminate it at any time.

Visitors are required to use the service in accordance with these terms and conditions. If you fail to comply with these terms and conditions or for any other legal reason, Simulated-reality-league may suspend the service or terminate it immediately or at any other time at SRL discretion, with full rights and without prior notice.

Simulated-reality-league may at any time, even without prior notice, decide to suspend or terminate the provision of the service, at its sole discretion.

4 – Simulated-reality-league Responsibility
SRL informs its users that the news and information disseminated through its service is provided without any guarantee of reliability, correctness, exhaustiveness or accuracy. The service is provided as such and Simulated-reality-league makes no warranties in this regard, other than those attested by law, and cannot specifically guarantee that the service will meet the user’s needs, that it will be uninterrupted, expedient, secure, or error-free. No warranties (including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular use, or conformity to description) apply to the service. The information provided by Simulated-reality-league in no way constitutes advice or recommendation of any kind. Use of the content, data, and information available on Simulated-reality-league does not imply direct or indirect liability on the part of Simulated-reality-league. The use made of the information disseminated by Simulated-reality-league is solely and exclusively the responsibility of the user. The latter guarantees full legal capacity and acknowledges himself as the sole responsible for his actions.

Simulated-reality-league may propose links to other websites that do not belong to it and are not under its control. Consequently, the responsibility of Simulated-reality-league can in no case be cited in relation to the use that has been made of these external links. Simulated-reality-league can therefore in no case be held responsible for games, bets, contracts or other operations or transactions conducted by the user on other Internet sites or applications, nor for the potentially illegal nature of the content consulted. Simulated-reality-league is not responsible for the availability of third-party sites and external resources, and makes no representation or warranty as to the advertising, products or other links or data appearing on or accessible from these Internet sites or external resources. Simulated-reality-league cannot be held liable for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of the presence of these sites or external resources or as a result of your reliance on the comprehensiveness, accuracy or presence of any advertising, product or data on or accessible from these Internet sites or external resources.

User shall not be able to cite SportyTrader’s liability for any cause whatsoever, particularly if due to force majeure, user’s computer or technical malfunction, user’s loss of access to the service, user’s failure of electronic communication network or access provider, user’s misuse of the service, user’s error, negligence, omission or inability of non-compliance with data advice, of the unlawful disclosure or use of a password communicated in confidence to the user, of error, negligence or omission by a third party over whom Simulated-reality-league has no power of control or supervision, of a request for temporary or permanent interruption of the service issued by a competent administrative or judicial authority, or of notification by a third party (pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 70/2003 on electronic commerce), of partial or total destruction of transmitted or stored information as a result of errors attributable directly or indirectly to the user.

Simulated-reality-league does not make any specific storage of the data consulted by the user. It is the responsibility of the user to take all necessary measures to safeguard this data.

Simulated-reality-league liability can never be cited in connection with any content – even unlawful – external content, even if the application or website contains a link to the said content.

5 – Personal Data
You have at any time the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning you by sending an email to: [email protected]. You can also, at any time, change your personal data contained on your profile page.

Simulated-reality-league may possibly collect data of a personal nature from the user when registering for the service, such as first name, last name, email address, domicile, or any other identifying data, especially IP address. You are under no obligation to provide this information, but it may be necessary for certain features of the service.

Simulated-reality-league uses this data solely for the purpose of identifying visitors, providing and improving the proposed service. Under no circumstances is this data used for commercial purposes by third parties.

The recipients of the data are the people in charge of the marketing service, the commercial service, the services in charge of dealing with customer relations and surveys, the administrative services, the logistics and IT services and their hierarchical managers. It is also addressed to the services in charge of Simulated-reality-league’s control (auditor, services in charge of internet control procedures…) and finally to any subcontractors of Simulated-reality-league.

Personal data related to users may not be kept beyond the duration strictly necessary for the use of the service.

The user is informed that Simulated-reality-league may recognize his terminal while connecting to the service, in particular thanks to cookies. These programs are only intended to allow or facilitate email communication or are strictly necessary for the provision of the service at the express request of the user.

For more information on this, you can consult our Data Protection Charter at this link.

6 – Use of the service.
Only personal use of the service is authorized. Any commercial use of the service is prohibited. The user agrees not to post on the service, especially on the forums, information:

of a pornographic or degrading nature;
in conflict with the rights of third parties, especially of intellectual property rights, image rights, or privacy and intimacy;
which despise or denigrate the activities or reputation of an individual or company;
likely to violate public order or contravene legal provisions relating to defamation, protection of minors and minorities;
religious, political or racial in character.

It is prohibited to publish, reproduce or rebroadcast in any way, in whole or in part, the contents of the service, whether in the form of text, graphics, images or computer code, without the express permission of SportyTrader sites.

7 – Changes to the general conditions of use
Simulated-reality-league is free to change these Terms of Use at any time. By using the service, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these General Terms of Use in effect on the day you access the website or when you download the application. Your continued use of the service after any changes made to Simulated-reality-league’s General Terms and Conditions of Use shall count as acceptance of the modified terms and conditions.

8 – Applicable law – Jurisdiction.
Except for public policy provisions applicable to consumers, these general conditions are subject to South Africa law.

In the event of a dispute over the interpretation, execution or dissolution of these general conditions of use, the parties will seek an amicable solution before any legal action.

In the event that disagreement persists, the parties make exclusive attribution of jurisdiction to the competent courts of Cape Town (South Africa), even in the case of plurality of defendants or warranty call, subject to public policy provisions applicable to the present.